curriculum vitae
Gay Emmerson
Website: www.gayemmerson.com
Education and Training
1979 Graduation from Canberra School of Art specialising in painting
1987 Graduate Diploma in Education, University of Canberra
1964 Bachelor of Science, University of Sydney
Exhibitions and Awards
2019 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, Salt, Water & Wood, Sheffer Gallery
2018 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, Bushland and Beaches, Fern Street Gallery
2017 Solo exhibition, My Canberra, Cork Street Gallery
Solo exhibition, Yet Another Gumtree Exhibition, FORM Gallery
2016 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, COAST, Sheffer Gallery
Solo exhibition, Australian Light, Addison Road Gallery, London
2015 Finalist in the Hornsby Art Prize Tutor in oil pastels at the Summer Art Experience, Canberra.
2014 Solo exhibition, Canberra to the Kimberley, Sheffer Gallery
2013 Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, Still Standing, Not Standing Still, Form Gallery.
2012 Solo exhibition, Earth Works, Belconnen Art Centre
2012 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, The Garden Journal, Yarralumla Gallery
2010 Solo Exhibition, Blue and Gold, Yarralumla Gallery
2006 Group Exhibition with Helena Hills and Mike Partridge, Carte Blanche, Studio Gallery
2004 Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, LakeLand, Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, Lake George, Field of Water, Field of Grass, Canberra Museum and Gallery
2003 Highly Commended, John Briscoe Memorial Art Award, Cooma
2002 Solo exhibition, Journeys to the Sea, Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
Joint exhibition, I lift up my eyes to the hills, Strathnairn Gallery, as part of ACT Heritage Festival
2001 Solo exhibition, Cuppacumbalong Gallery
Group exhibition, After Matisse, Belconnen Gallery as part of Festival of Contemporary Arts
2000 Solo exhibition, Belconnen Gallery
First Prize, Open Section, Thredbo Art Exhibitiion
Group exhibition, Many Faces, Belconnen Open Art Award as part of the National Multicultural Festival, Westfield Mall, Belconnen and selected works in Belconnen Gallery
Group exhibition, Feeling Sheepish, Galeria del Centro, Boorowa
Group Exhibition, Artists of the Tweed/Canberrascape, Tuggeranong Arts Centre
1998 Solo exhibition, Cuppacumbalong Gallery
Group exhibition, Postcards from Belconnen, Belconnen Artists Network (BEAN) Inaugural Exhibition, Belconnen Gallery and Festival of Contemporary Arts (Gorman House Arts Centre)
1998 Highly commended, Thredbo Art Exhibition
1997 Solo exhibition, Albert Street Gallery, Mittagong
Major commission, Australian Defence Force Academy
1996 Solo exhibition, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra
Solo exhibition, Design Plus Gallery, Queanbeyan
1995 Highly commended, Thredbo Art Exhibition
1994 Solo exhibition, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra
Solo exhibition, Design Plus Gallery, Queanbeyan
1993 Solo exhibition, Primavera Gallery, Manuka
1992 Joint exhibition, Raglan Gallery, Sydney
1990 Joint exhibition, New Faces, Solander Gallery
Solo exhibition, Kingston Gallery
1985 Joint exhibition, Gallery 41, Fyshwick
Joint exhibition, New Artists Gallery, Hawker
Highly Commended, Peter Stuyvesant Award, Goulburn
1984 Joint exhibition, Canberra Theatre Gallery
Joint exhibition, Gallery 41, Fyshwick
1983 Highly Commended, Peter Stuyvesant Award, Goulburn
1982 Solo exhibition, Canberra Theatre Gallery
Joint exhibition, Canberra Women Artists, Arts Council Gallery, Canberra City
curriculum vitae
Gay Emmerson
Website: www.gayemmerson.com
Education and Training
1979 Graduation from Canberra School of Art specialising in painting
1987 Graduate Diploma in Education, University of Canberra
1964 Bachelor of Science, University of Sydney
Exhibitions and Awards
2018 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, Bushland and Beaches, Fern Street Gallery
2017 Solo exhibition, My Canberra, Cork Street Gallery
Solo exhibition, Yet Another Gumtree Exhibition, FORM Gallery
2016 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, COAST, Sheffer Gallery
Solo exhibition, Australian Light, Addison Road Gallery, London
2015 Finalist in the Hornsby Art Prize Tutor in oil pastels at the Summer Art Experience, Canberra.
2014 Solo exhibition, Canberra to the Kimberley, Sheffer Gallery
2013 Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, Still Standing, Not Standing Still, Form Gallery.
2012 Solo exhibition, Earth Works, Belconnen Art Centre
2012 Joint exhibition with Georgia Freebody, The Garden Journal, Yarralumla Gallery
2010 Solo Exhibition, Blue and Gold, Yarralumla Gallery
2006 Group Exhibition with Helena Hills and Mike Partridge, Carte Blanche, Studio Gallery
2004 Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, LakeLand, Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
Joint exhibition with Mike Partridge, Lake George, Field of Water, Field of Grass, Canberra Museum and Gallery
2003 Highly Commended, John Briscoe Memorial Art Award, Cooma
2002 Solo exhibition, Journeys to the Sea, Bungendore Woodworks Gallery
Joint exhibition, I lift up my eyes to the hills, Strathnairn Gallery, as part of ACT Heritage Festival
2001 Solo exhibition, Cuppacumbalong Gallery
Group exhibition, After Matisse, Belconnen Gallery as part of Festival of Contemporary Arts
2000 Solo exhibition, Belconnen Gallery
First Prize, Open Section, Thredbo Art Exhibitiion
Group exhibition, Many Faces, Belconnen Open Art Award as part of the National Multicultural Festival, Westfield Mall, Belconnen and selected works in Belconnen Gallery
Group exhibition, Feeling Sheepish, Galeria del Centro, Boorowa
Group Exhibition, Artists of the Tweed/Canberrascape, Tuggeranong Arts Centre
1998 Solo exhibition, Cuppacumbalong Gallery
Group exhibition, Postcards from Belconnen, Belconnen Artists Network (BEAN) Inaugural Exhibition, Belconnen Gallery and Festival of Contemporary Arts (Gorman House Arts Centre)
1998 Highly commended, Thredbo Art Exhibition
1997 Solo exhibition, Albert Street Gallery, Mittagong
Major commission, Australian Defence Force Academy
1996 Solo exhibition, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra
Solo exhibition, Design Plus Gallery, Queanbeyan
1995 Highly commended, Thredbo Art Exhibition
1994 Solo exhibition, Hyatt Hotel, Canberra
Solo exhibition, Design Plus Gallery, Queanbeyan
1993 Solo exhibition, Primavera Gallery, Manuka
1992 Joint exhibition, Raglan Gallery, Sydney
1990 Joint exhibition, New Faces, Solander Gallery
Solo exhibition, Kingston Gallery
1985 Joint exhibition, Gallery 41, Fyshwick
Joint exhibition, New Artists Gallery, Hawker
Highly Commended, Peter Stuyvesant Award, Goulburn
1984 Joint exhibition, Canberra Theatre Gallery
Joint exhibition, Gallery 41, Fyshwick
1983 Highly Commended, Peter Stuyvesant Award, Goulburn
1982 Solo exhibition, Canberra Theatre Gallery
Joint exhibition, Canberra Women Artists, Arts Council Gallery, Canberra City